Saturday, December 31, 2011


Good-bye 2011. You were a tough one and I'm relieved to see you go. While you weren't the hardest year I've had, you made it into my top 3. Surprisingly, I've learned almost as much from you as you have taken from me. If I could sum up the theme of the year in one word it would have to be: Faithful.

God's faithfulness endures forever. It doesn't ebb and flow with my emotions nor is it based on what I do to earn it. I love that His faithfulness sees the big picture and that He lovingly guides me through when I can't see it. His promise is to be with me along the way not to cater to my every whim and request. It's been so evident this past year that if He would have done things my way, I would not be in the place I am now. I'm way too selfish and needy to see what is the best for me and my family in the long run. I need to surrender to Him and let Him lead me with His tender mercies. What a mighty God I serve!

A few months ago, my high school English teacher introduced me to a blog by Scotty Smith. I adore his posts and feel so encouraged and challenged by his insight. The following is an excerpt from that blog that I read tonight. If I could write something to encapsulate my past year it would be almost exactly like this. The parallels are uncanny.

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness! Why should the nations say, “Where is their God?” Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases. Their idols are silver and gold, the work of human hands. Ps. 115:1-4
Heavenly Father, it’s New Year’s Eve. In some ways this past year feels like it has flown by; but on the other hand, when I consider some of the painful events of the year, it seems like it was a year that would never end—a year that would never go away. The “already” and “not yet” of knowing you were clearly evident over the past twelve months. Joy and grief are both comfortably at home in my heart at the end of this calendar year.

Looking back, I can easily say with the psalmist, “Be praised, adored and worshiped, O God, for your love and your faithfulness!” Abba, Father, you loved me all year long with an everlasting, engaged, unwavering love, irrespective of anything I did or didn’t do. You loved me as much as you love your Son, Jesus, for you’ve hidden my life in his. A big Hallelujah for that."

Here's a link to the blog so you can read the rest: